Monday, December 13, 2010

Wyatt's Morning Breakfast Prayer 12/13

Dear Lord,
Please bless this food we are about to eat and I love eating.Please help my Daddy feel better I love him very much, I am thankful for my sister, my mom, my Grandma, my Heathers, aunt angie, garret, tyler, sissy, my house, uncle todd, my doggy, sean, my room, my Grammie, Mom what else??? Oh and my toys and my eggs.
Lillian: OKAY I wanna EAT
Wyatt: and I am thankful for friends, mr. bradford (?), my bed and my Wii.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Things I don't quite get even now

1. Why one minute you are freezing like realllllllyy cold and then you put on socks and sweat. hmmm Really
2. Kids to Mommy, I am sooo hungry, pleaaaassseee I am soo hungry. Mom to kids, Okay let's eat. Mom then makes a 4 course meal that takes 2 hours to make. Kid eats 2 bites and say's, Mommy can i be excused.....What?! Really
3. WHERE DO ALL THE LEFT SOCKS GO???Why is it never the Right one?
4. When kids are so tired in the van they are falling asleep...why will they not go to sleep when they get to the top of the stairs. Then run around as if on pixie sticks.
5. Why is it that you get all comfortable and warm in bed....think about it allll snuggly. Then you have to pee. Why
6. How come you go to Church and the Pastor knows exactly what you did that week. I am telling you he spies on us and knows just what to say to convict the socks off of us.....but only Right socks because they are all that is left.
7. Why are the sequels of movies always the really dumb movies.
8. How many times a night do dogs really have to pee or just want to go outside and bark at the air. (mine 27,327 a night

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Annoying commercials

Okay already.....
Christmas and Valentine's day they jewelry companies bring out these super sappy . Really uh no the girlfriend does not answer the boyfriend with "ahhh, you went to Jared"
and every gift does not begin with Kay, Helzberg diamonds Helzberg value...What?, Duh
It is all the same please spend money here
Oh and don't get me started on all of the One day sales, Lowest Price of the Year and Early bird specials.
I, like you all have been sucked in by the commercials and oh the ads. We are all (yes me too) stuck in the commercialism of Christmas and Valentine's Day.
Christmas is about our Lord's birth, the grand gift that we were given. Valentines is a holiday to honor a Roman Christian Martyr.

Let us not forget going out shopping and seeing people crazed to get that one thing their children "HAVE" to have or a family member has to have. I guess the older and older I get the worse and worse it seems to get. Do we really need all of these things to survive.

God gives us all we need, do we just forget?

Friday, December 10, 2010


Okay Lillian has asked for this doll, Lalaloopsy. I didn't buy it for her birthday (should have, because it didn't do anything. I wanted to get her something that she could do.
Well she still wants this doll, so I started looking for her and low and behold.......She was sold out almost everywhere.
I called around to many many stores until I found 5. The store that had them was in OHIO.
Did i mention to you that I have an Awesome Family in Ohio.....
Well I do and My Aunt Tammy went to the store and they were running a sale. The dolls were buy one get one half off. So now only did I get Lillian a Lalaloopsy Doll SHE GOT 2. Well she hasn't gotten them yet.
Here is what they look like

Wyatt's Morning Breakfast Prayer

Dear Lord
please bless this food that we are about to receive,I love my Daddy and hope he get better I love him, I love our house, I love everything we have and please pray that Aunt Patty's leg gets better.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wyatt's Prayers

At every meal Wyatt insists on saying the blessing for us. Wyatt has a unique way of saying said blessing.....every time it is different too.

Like the other night
Dear Lord, Please bless this food that we are about to receive, please help my Daddy feel better and i love him very much, i don't really like my sister but I love my Mommy.

Oh BTW, I really need to train the dog to turn the light off in my room when I am comfortable......Just sayin'

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sweet Sister

So we had just dropped off Brittany for school and were on the way home when.....
Lillian says in the softest sweetest voice, "Mommy, Can you please call that radio station and get that Stinky Truck for Wyatt. I really want to give it to him."
My heart melted and I started to cry. All the way home she talked about getting Wyatt this truck. I asked her why she was so concerned with getting Wyatt this truck, "Mommy, I love my brother".....Okay again with the tears
Here is said Stinky the garbage truck

Did I mention that Stinky is yeah! I feel bad for Lillian.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Party!!!

Last night was the Faith Community Church Christmas Party. What a wonderful time everyone had. I got to sit at a table with some of my favorite people at church.
Sean, Beka, Heather, Chris, Brenda and Mike. Beka and I shared cheesecake, she is so awesome. Sean had a wonderful time and Oh did I tell you.....Sunday morning Sean was having a really great talk with Issac at church..wait for it......He is going to start meeting with Issac, Randy Cook and I think another man from church on Friday mornings at 6am for a bible study. YIPPEEE!! He was thrilled. I was and am super happy for him.
I am also glad that he is doing this on his on with only God's help. In the past couple of months I have seen some growth in him and I thank God for working in his life the way he is.
Sooooo Party,
We all have a great time of fellowship and food. I love that we are such a loud and not so shy church, I mean have you met me, could I really be at a quiet shy kinda church. ummmmm NO.
Did i mention that Beka is AWESOME. I have really been blessed to have her as my friend and really hope to spend more time with her in the future. She cracks me up.
Check out my sister, Mom2 and I...aren't we a good looking family?

Sooo Bummed tonight.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, registration for Timothy Ministries.
We can't go and we can't register....
So bummed for Lillian the most but I know that God has a plan.
(whispering, Do you think he will let me in on it soon...)

School in August and MOMMY gets to have a JOB!!!!! so excited i may need a pull-up.

Stuck between a Rock and well Another Rock!

Let me start by saying I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!
With that said, Christmas is not being so nice to me this year and it is still 2 weeks away. I knew that the budget was not going to allow much this year but I did not factor in everything detail. Wow, it sure does cost people tons of money at Christmas time. You buy for kids, family and sometimes friends. Think about it...
Children average 3=let's say 200-300 dollars depending on the age of child
Nephews let's say 3
Nieces let's say 3
Mom in law
Spouse/significant other
Other misc family
If you average $10 a person add it up
You could be looking at like 800-1000 dollars out of a budget that (i don't know about you)is already tight with everyday things now.
Christmas is has become all about the money and what you can get with it. Now don't get me wrong I love giving and I always have. I love seeing someone happy and say it's exactly what they wanted or needed. Nice feeling.....but should that be what you think about at Christmas time, Really?! Makes me wish that Christmas stayed true to what it really means instead of getting so commercialized. Christmas means we celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus who went on the DIE for us. I mean come on really wouldn't you rather celebrate that then Celebrate the local toy companys. I am all for the people that work there making a living but there are enough birthdays for them all to make plenty. I want a new tradition....Just sayin'

A big Shout out to My Father in Heaven for allowing me to live today in his glorious light, being my biggest ROCK that I can rely on and to have the means to complain online...Merry Christmas!